Book Review--The False Prince

Book Review--The False Prince
Book by Jennifer A. Nielsen
Review by Storyteller

Name: The False Prince
Author: Jennifer A. Nielsen
Category: fiction
Bad points: there wasn't anything "bad", but there is a part where the main character gets whipped and put in a dungeon. If you don't like it when the main character gets whipped, you probably won't like this book. Also, a character towards the beginning of the story gets killed. It's not ruthless just a little... um, surprising how quickly they kill him.
Good points: It was awesome.
Overall review: When I picked it up, I thought you know, this might be interesting, or this might be really boring. I'd never heard of it before, I just knew that it was a new book at our library and I hadn't read it, so I was checking it out. By the time I was finished with it, I was yelling, "OH MY WORD!" like about five minutes because I practically couldn't believe it. Though they're in one place like the whole book, it actually isn't as boring as you might think it is. All you know is that there's these three boys fighting to be the impostor prince for this guy, because if they don't get picked, they'll get killed. The end will probably make you do my reaction--"OH MY WORD!" Anyway, I thought it was really awesome. If it's at your library, just go pick it up and read it!! :)
My overall rating: I would give this book...

You heard it me. IT. WAS. AWESOME. =D


  1. I think maybe I'll do an in library loan to get this book because seriously our library carries hardly anything except bad books ah oh well s'only a dollar.
    Your Friend
    Poem Girl

    1. This book is really good!! I hope you can get it!! :)

  2. I'm reading ''The Life of Pi'', and Pi hasn't died yet. It's very disappointing. I'M AT PAGE 50 AND HE HASN'T DIED YET, OR DONE ANYTHING! Pi lives a boring life....

    1. lol =D Isn't there like a movie coming out about that...?

  3. Ohhh, is this the one you were telling me about? With the really surprising plot twist at the end?


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