God Will Always Be There for You

"Surely the arm of the Lord is not too short to save, nor his ear too dull to hear."
Isaiah 59:1

Lately I've been feeling like a rather horrible person. (which you might've guessed from my latest posts) And I mean, I am. In a "everyone's a sinner" type of way. And there's things that I need God's help to change. And there's things that I need to learn. But still. It's depressing. Or, should I say, it was depressing.

Everybody's sinned. I've sinned. A lot. And sometimes it's on those big sins that you just feel like you're the most horrible person ever and nobody's ever going to forgive you. It just feels... horrible. Doesn't it? 

I've realized that even if I miss up the worst in history, even if I do the most horrible thing in the world, that if I repent and turn back to God that He will forgive me. He will "never leave nor forsake" me. God's arm isn't too short to save. His ear isn't too dull to hear. He will hear your cry. So cry out to Him for forgiveness. Confess your sins. He is "faithful and just to forgive us our sins and cleanse us from all unrighteousness." 

Even if everyone else abandons us, even if everyone else rejects us, that's the great thing about God--He never will. God will always be there for you, if you're willing to come to Him. Don't fear. Don't be afraid. You have nothing to fear. God is always there.

It doesn't matter if you're embarrassed as asking for somebody's forgiveness. It doesn't matter if you're afraid. Whatever happens, in the end, if you believe in Christ as your Savior, you will be face to face with God, and at that moment, everything else will fade away. You won't remember the mean taunts and the sneers. You won't remember any of that. You will just know this--God is here. And He has rescued you.

Have a great day. <3


  1. So true; once something is over it seems like it never happened.

  2. º-º Whoa. Reading this, I felt like you were speaking directly to me, Storytellter. So thank you for this post.

    God is so merciful, always caring for us. And even when we sin He loves us. We're not meant to be perfect, so of course we aren't, but when we need Him, when we're low and depressed, He hears and saves us. <3

    Beautiful words!

    ::God bless::

    1. You're welcome!! :)

      Thank you so much. <3

  3. I posted it :D



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