God is my All in All

When I first started blogging, I was more paying attention to stories then my faith, since it was because of stories that I had created this blog. I didn't know anything about blogging--headers, buttons, designing, followers... I didn't understand any of it. I didn't know how many people I could really reach and how I could really affect others through my words.

For me and my friend, it was just a way for us to connect and share stories, and write random things through the posts. Thanks to Maddie, I learned about followers. (thanks, girl :)) I saw headers and realized how you could do that. But it wasn't until one night in Youth Group that I was really convicted. I don't even remember what we were talking about. I think it was something about showing your faith, and not hiding it.

I came home that night and put some differences on my blog. First off, I used verses from the Bible and put them together in a kind of ongoing speech. (it's on the side of my blog... the one in the different font?....) And then I did a weekly Bible verse. I wanted people to know about my faith. I wanted people to know that I was a Christian, and that I wasn't ashamed to show it. I realized that if God's not my all in all, then I'm nothing.

With God's strength, I'm unstoppable. There's nothing that can take me off His cause. I'm for Him, all in all.

Who are you for?


  1. Yeah, when I first saw your blogs, I was taken aback with surprise. Here was a girl who was a Christian and wasn't afraid to tell the world. You inspired me to not just say 'I'm a Christian' but to proclaim and write it in my stories and express it in my blogs. Thank you Storyteller for inspiring me. :)

    1. You're welcome!! I'm glad that I'm helping to make a difference for God. :)

  2. Can my blog, hello little birdy be a sponsor? Thanks!

  3. I'm for God! <3 thanks for the amazing post! can you tell me what kind of church you go to? I go to a Baptist church!

    1. Awesome! :) You're welcome!! :) I go to an Evangelical Free church. :)

  4. Aww:) Your welcome girl!


    P.s. I'm def' for the God I love!!!!!!!

  5. Hey! I'm glad. And I just wanted to say...the more I read your blog the more I see you have great leadership don't let shyness get in the way of doing things. Shyness is the fear of embarrassment and sometimes pride, God said to anxious for nothing. When you get rid, ignore and or overcome shyness you can do amazing things to glorify the Lord. Found this throughnlots of experience.

  6. This was a very encouraging post. In the beginning, it was the same for me. Then I realized that my whole life should be built around God, including my blog.
    Thank you for the wonderful words!
    Tane xxx

    1. Thanks, Tane!! :) Exactly. :) You're welcome!!

  7. "Whatever I gotta be
    I'll be for you
    I'm for you..."
    Well, I'm for God. That's my conviction and I'm sticking to it!
    Great post Storyteller:)

  8. Very amazing post! So proud of you! :) And yeah, I'm for God. :)


be nice ∞ be kind ∞ be a hero

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