I have a...

...kind of have a half photographic memory. It's not like in novels where you can just glance at something and it's memorized. (I wish =P)

But sometimes my mind just captures snapshots. Like my eyes will be wide open, and yet I can see something that I saw, something that happened to me, almost as clearly as if I was right back there. It's kind of weird, but it's true.

It's kind of like that when I memorize things, too. Like play lines, science definitions...? I have to be able to see that stuff in my brain. Like I have to be able to close my eyes and see it. Otherwise it's not memorized. It's not there. But when I can see it, when I know it's there, then it's like I'd never be able to forget it. (I eventually do, but at the moment, it's so clear, that it's just like... I know it.)

I suppose this sounds kind of strange. But it's true. I've just always kind of have it, though I've never really thought of it has a photographic memory.

There's this one book series that I've read where the main character has a really good photographic memory. (though she couldn't just memorize on whim, either) I'd always thought that was so cool. But now? I don't know. It's just like it is.

Do you have a photographic memory? What do you think about the idea? Do you wish that you had one? Do you know someone (other then me) who has one? What do you think would be the advantage of having one? Why or why not would you want one, if you don't have one? Why or why not do you not do you not want one, if you do have one?

I'll to you lovely followers later. ;)

God bless!!


  1. I have a photographic memory also! I think it's a nice thing to have at times but then sometimes I wish I remembered things differently! But yes I have it 2, and I know 1 or 2 other people who do also :):) interesting post Storyteller!

    1. Cool! Yeah, really.... =P That's so cool! Well, I at least know that YOU have one haha =D Thanks!! :)

  2. I don't know if I've got a photographic memory, but I dream alot at night.... And so I get a Deja Vu feeling alot:P
    I did that today actually.... I was looking at a picture a friend emailed and like a memory flashed through my head of me looking at that same picture.... And I had never seen the picture before....
    But I'm kinda an odd ball anyways:D


    1. I get that with dreams, too. =D One time (it was really sad :() I dreamed that someone's baby died, and then I found out that they were alive, but the dream had been so convincing that I thought she had. (Isn't that really weird???) Anyway...

  3. This is like totally me! Mine may not be as strong, but I can be this way as well! xx

  4. I have sort of a photographic memory, but I'd have to say mine is more like a phonographic memory (I can remember hearing). Sometimes, they're even combined in my mind.

    1. Sweet! Sometimes I wish I had that haha =D

  5. I have just the same sort of memory!

  6. I have almost exactly like your memory!
    I can remember pictures, and events really clearly.
    And like Maddie May said, I do have like a Deja Vu alot!

    1. That's so cool!! :)
      I know... sometimes it's weird....
      Yeah.... =D


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