Featured Blogger--Piano Bookworm!!!!!

Yep. Ahuh. I'm going to do it again (because I have time). I'm going to announce..... our new featured blogger!!!!!!

Yep, pretty sweet, huh?

And who is the awesome person who gets to drag off this picture and display it proudly on their blog.....? Man, I sound like I'm talking about a flag or something.

Anyway, so without further ado, ladies and gentleman, I will announce our featured blogger....

.....*drum roll*......

.......PIANO BOOKWORM!!! Yes, Piano Bookworm.

Piano's one of my best friends and we correspond a lot through blogging and emailing. She has a really awesome blog called Piano's Stories which you should go check out and follow!!!! Currently she has a really awesome story going on there about a burglar.... but I won't give away anymore...... and I believe she just did a post about an award she got (ironically, I believe I gave it to her). =D

Piano also writes for a story blog that I created call The Story Club, to which she contributers a really awesome story about a warrior princess person. So go and check that out, too!!!!

Would you like to be featured, too? Just comment below!! I believe we have one other person to line up, but I'd love to feature you!!!!!!




be nice ∞ be kind ∞ be a hero

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