Talk to me...

OK, so I'm starting a new series.

Not like on this blog, but I'm writing a new series at home.

It's about these four girls who solve mysteries.

I know you guys really enjoyed the Unusuals, and how I put you guys in as book characters, so I was thinking maybe I could make you guys kind of like minor characters.

So.... talk to me if you want to be put into the story!! =D Also, if you don't actually have a "name" as your username (like who would name their kid Storyteller?), tell me the name that you want your character to have.

The current names I have are Carman Artilles (she's me, and a Mexican in the book), Zoe Jackman, Evelyn "Eve" Helm, and Gabby Williams.

So talk to me!! :)

Love to hear from ya. ;D


  1. Oooh I would love to be in that story you could either keep calling me Allysa or you could call me Antoinette Deanna but she prefers to be called Anette.
    Your Friend
    Poem Girl

    1. OK, I'll got with Antionette or Annette. ;)

  2. i'd love to be in the series! Can't wait to read it! r u almost done writing the Unusuals 3? cause i am so curious about what happens next!!!

    1. Awesome! I'll put you in as Brittney. :) Yes, I'm workin' on it.... ;D

  3. If you still have enough room, I'd love to be put in. If not, that's okay. :D

  4. Put me in too... if you still have room! ;) But call me by my middle name... Beth. :) This'll be awsome!

  5. I'd love to be put in! :)


    P.S. Thanks for following my blog!

  6. Ooo, I'd love to be in your story if you still have room. :) it sounds interesting!

    1. I'll definitely put you in! lol I might just have to write a new story! =D

  7. I'd love to be in if, you have room! Sounds like a ton of fun!

  8. If you still have room, I would love to be in your story! Can't wait to read it!


be nice ∞ be kind ∞ be a hero

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